Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Silent Screams (Part 6)

Anandita's mother was in complete shock.  She thought that for once her daughter,  her introverted shy quiet daughter,  had for once,  found friends in school.  She thought that Anandita finally  had friends.  Anandita's mother was very happy  when she came to know that Anandita got a call from her friend. She was bursting  with joy,  more so that she even shared the  same with Anandita's  father.

Now,  she wished that she had never let Anandita go, praying  to God for a miracle  to save her girl,  her daughter.   While her mother was silently  sobbing,  her dad was in a frenzy. He seemed like he would bring the whole hospital  down. All he could see was red.  "I'll bring the hospital  down if something happens to my daughter,"  he all but threatened the doctor  in a low hoarse whisper.

As he turned around,  he saw Sameer and marched towards him, determined to get answers.
"I do not want you to say more than I ask for," Anandita's  father said,  "What happened?"

With tears in his eyes,  Sameer explained  everything.  "I know only what I saw uncle,"  Sameer said, "I don't know what actually led to all this." "Hm, " her father let out the breath that he was holding, " I hope what you're saying is the truth son.  I am holding you to it." "Yes s..,"  Sameer was about to reply,  by the time they heard someone shouting.  It was a female voice,  "Sameer,  where are you?"  Sameer ran to her and hugged her tightly.

He didn't care that he looked like a small child right now.  He felt guilty.  Guilty of this happening  to Anandita,  Guilty of him not having done anything to save her,  Guilty of him not being able to stand up against the bully.  He knew that he was a coward. He did not have the guts to look at himself in the mirror without getting angry at himself.

Looking at her brother's condition,  Tanya was moved.  She was satisfied that at least now that he was wrong. That he should've been there for her.  If not as a friend,  then at least as a fellow human. She remembered how,  when she was in school, she had stopped every bully from getting even near Anandita. She had introduced herself to Anandita as Taman a,  her official name. She always had a soft corner for her,  like it was her responsibility to protect  Anandita.  When she had passed out of the school,  she had specially instructed Sameer to protect Anandita.  They had a massive fight because of this.  He had blatantly disagreed to do any such thing. Their fight went to be so serious,  that, he insisted that Tanya was lesbian.

They sat quietly for what felt like years.  It seemed as if time stood still. The silence gave way to the loudly beating hearts clearly expressing their fears.

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