Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The Silent Scream (Part 1)

It was Monday morning- the first day of the week. It was a cold, winter morning. Anandita did not want to come out of her cozy, warm blanket. After her mother came to wake her up for the umpteenth time, she groaned, kicking her blanket aside.

Anandita got ready for school just minutes before school would start. She asked her dad to drop her to school as only five minutes remained for the school to start.The gates of the school closed right as she entered. She had made it exactly on time. Anandita ran to her classroom to take her seat at the back and become invisible to the rest of the world. She did not want to be seen by anyone. She did not want anyone to know that she existed. 

Anandita had heard through scuttlebutt that Brian, Ryan, twins from her class, and his minions were dangerous. 

She was happy with the way she lived. She pushed her glasses up her nose and took in a deep breath. She then asked for permission to let her in. Her curly black unmanageable hair was oiled and tied into two neat plaits. She looked down as she walked towards the back of the class to sit alone and aloof from the world.

No one spoke to her. Even if anyone did, it was because they wanted some work done from her. Anandita did not have a problem since none of them tried anything weird with her.

Anandita, in her class, was termed as an anti-socialist by some and a loser by some others.
School life was a disaster for her.  Anandita did not like her school mates. Her teachers did not fancy her much. Anywhere, she tried to make friends they would shoo her away just because she was fat and “ugly.” She was not bullied but she was not wanted either.

All Anandita wanted was to have a place for herself in this world. She had very low self esteem. She never retaliated to what others said. She did not want to upset anyone. She knew the consequences of going against people like her classmates.

During the break, Anandita was roaming around in the corridor all alone since she had no friends. She suddenly froze on her track as she saw Brian coming towards her.  She did not know what to do. She got frightened. She did not see where she was going. She hastily ran into the girls’ washroom. As she went further inside, she realized that she wasn’t supposed to be here. Just as she exited the washroom, she saw something written on the washroom wall. 

"Beware. Losers like you aren't needed here Anandita." 

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